ກະຊວງແຜນການ ແລະ ການລົງທຶນ
Ministry of Planning and Investment

Department of International Cooperation

Department of International Cooperation

The Department of International Cooperation is tasked by the Ministry of Planning and Investment with the administration and formulation of cooperation strategies with foreign counterparts, mobilization of Official Development Assistance, acting as focal point in consolidating, formulating, and proposing ODA programs and projects with donors, taking the lead in implementing, promoting and monitoring progress of Development Cooperation around the country according to the single window principal and coordinating with concerned stakeholders regarding the management, inspection, and evaluation of ODA disbursements.

Organization Chart

The Department of International Cooperation comprises 7 divisions as follow:

  • General Affairs Division
  • Aid Management Division
  • International Organization Division
  • International Finance Institutions Division
  • Asia-Pacific and Africa Division
  • Europe-America Division
  • GMS Division


Tel: 021 218274

Fax: 021 216755